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J Tech WorldArtwork SEO 7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs an SEO Agency

7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs an SEO Agency


If you think that all Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can do for your business is to make your brand visible on search engine result pages (SERPs), this is for you and you should read on to know why SEO is so crucial.

However, it’s totally understandable if you think the appeal stops there since it’s right there on the name — it would seem that SEO aims to satisfy search engines alone. Some might think that they only need SEO for their digital properties.

In truth, your customers are the bosses. And SEO experts are there to help you boost your income and impact by creating and executing strategies that aim to reach, engage, and empower your target audience.

Today, as more and more consumers shift to purchasing products and services online, more and more businesses are doing the same. And SEO is the most viable and cost-effective way to reach and engage customers in moments that matter.

Here are 7 reasons why your business needs SEO to take your brand to greater heights:

SEO Builds Trust and Credibility

Through a brand’s trust and credibility online, consumers can find experts in industries they are looking into. As your credibility and authority go up, so does your visibility.

Many factors are considered by search engines in establishing brand authority. Here are some;

  • Natural links
  • Positive user behavior
  • Machine-learning signals
  • Optimized on-page content

As Rome wasn’t built overnight, the same goes for a brand’s credibility and authority. This takes effort, patience, and commitment and depends on your brand offering a quality and premier product or service.

SEO Helps in Building Your Brand

Nowadays, consumers rely on rankings as a measure of confidence in any business. And as I have mentioned above, before consumers can put their trust in your brand, they have to know your brand first.

Additionally, organic search is most often the primary source of page traffic. Optimization and how well your business does on organic searches plays a vital part in your online performance as well as influencing user decisions — converting potential customers into sales.

SEO Helps Support Other Marketing Strategies

Using optimized content in targeted paid advertising, PR, or social media marketing strategies are proven to yield better results. Even paid ads adhere to search engine rules so you can only get the most out of your ad budget using content that is up to SEO standards.

SEO Can Increase Your ROI and Conversions

This is the goal! SEO allows you to directly market your products to people who are already interested. Over 50% of consumers who conduct a mobile search of local businesses visit those stores within the same day. After gaining more traffic, it is only natural to get more leads and conversions and ultimately, more revenue.

In terms of costs, organic traffic is free so it delivers more value for a smaller investment in comparison to paid ads. On top of that, organic searches target relevant leads — people who are searching for and are more likely to choose your product or service.

SEO Helps You Rank Better and Stay Ahead

Did you know that 80% of local searches on mobile phones lead to sales? Also, 70% of all clicks on search engines come from results on the first SERP. So in order to outrank your competitors, you will need SEO.

SEO Improves Usability

User experience also influences your page’s ranking on search engines. So a robust site structure and navigation, in addition to it being fast and responsive; these are all factors that give your user a great experience with your site and make them want to visit again.

SEO Gives You Insight On Consumer Behavior

SEO is quantifiable. One of the more challenging aspects of SEO in the context of running a business is how to measure every aspect of your strategy and track your progress. SEO allows you to know your target audience; what, when, and how they search.

Also, understanding how specific actions are supposed to affect performance and growth is very valuable.


We at J Tech World are committed to helping you and your business to grow and thrive, even in the most competitive markets.

Our experts will help you build and execute an effective SEO strategy and future-proof your business. We specialize in creating a custom-fit SEO strategy just for you, because we understand the unique needs each business might have.

We will make it our mission to position your business as an authority within your industry. Contact us, choose J Tech World today!

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