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J Tech WorldArtwork Design 6 Reasons Why You Should Learn Angular JS

6 Reasons Why You Should Learn Angular JS

Digital marketing can sometimes seem like an oversaturated and confusing industry, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to learn more about it! Companies of all sizes are shifting their budgets towards digital marketing, so learning the tricks of the trade can help you succeed in any business, big or small. If you’re just getting started with digital marketing, here are six reasons why you should learn Angular JS.


A Crash Course on Angular JS

Angular JS is a JavaScript-based open-source front-end web application framework primarily maintained by Google and by a community of individuals and corporations to address many of the challenges encountered in developing single-page applications. To make life easier for developers, it offers features like two-way data binding that let you write less code and integrate with other libraries more easily.


What makes it so cool? For one thing, unlike other frameworks like Backbone or Ember, Angular has more of an opinion about how you should structure your apps. Of course, developers can still write their custom modules and plug them into their apps—but they can get started quickly using pre-written modules created by other developers around their frameworks (Angular’s library is called… you guessed it: angular). 


This includes Google’s popular Gmail web app which began migrating to Angular last summer. If you don’t use Google for all your Internet searches, other big sites currently using Angular include eBay Australia and PayPal Turkey. Even Twitter is experimenting with it!


Benefits of Learning Angular

For today’s digital marketers, constantly staying up-to-date on new technologies is important. That’s why they turn to solutions like Angular JS, which allows them to put their skills and knowledge of one of today’s most useful languages to use. Here are six reasons why it may be time for you to do just that. 


  • Ease Of Use

Unlike some other frameworks, Angular was built with a focus on simplicity. Because of its ease of use, developers can create single-page applications quickly and painlessly. 


  • Compatibility With Popular Libraries And Frameworks 

Developers have been using popular libraries such as jQuery and Bootstrap for years and Angular JS works seamlessly with these tools. This means that once you’ve learned how to code using Angular JS, you can easily integrate it into your current projects or start new ones using libraries you’re already familiar with. 


  • Easy Access To Documentation 

By offering comprehensive documentation for free, Google provides users an easy way to access resources when they need them. In addition, sites like Stack Overflow allow users from all around the world to share questions and ideas about specific elements of Angular JS that may not be covered in the official documentation. 


  • Speed Of Development 

Thanks to being developed by Google, Angular JS uses best practices developed by many large companies over several years. Because of that, there is very little guesswork involved in developing applications using Angular JS. Rather than going through trial and error during the development process, coders spend more time working and less time figuring out why things aren’t working properly. 


  • Modularizing Applications 

The great thing about Angular JS is that it allows you to modularize your applications using something called directives. You can break down each page of your application—or even each element within a page—into its module, allowing you greater flexibility and control over exactly what is happening where. 


  • Good Mobile Support 

Whereas solutions like Backbone provide native support for mobile apps, Angular does not. However, it has officially partnered with PhoneGap (one of several good solutions for creating cross-platform mobile apps), which means that developers can create mobile versions of their apps relatively easily.



Let J Tech World do all the heavy lifting while you scale your business. Our team of experts can accurately come up with digital marketing solutions tailored to your needs. 


J Tech World is the premier digital marketing company in Dubai and we’re ready to take your business to new heights! Contact us today!


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