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J Tech WorldArtwork Technology 5 Reasons Why a Website Is a Must-have for Your Startup
5 Reasons Why a Website Is a Must-have for Your Startup

5 Reasons Why a Website Is a Must-have for Your Startup

These days, a website can be equated to an office or telephone number. It’s the first thing people look for. In fact, 85% of customers conduct online research about their products and services before making a purchase. This means a website has a direct effect on your profits!

So, if you’re yet to take that step to establish your presence in the online world, here are five reasons why you need a website for your startup.


1. It can add credibility.

We all know that customers buy from brands they trust, and a personal website is a perfect place for you to highlight the best things about your business. Capitalize on a great ‘About Us’ page, highlight customer reviews, and list accurate descriptions of your products and services. Through your own website, you will have an easy and available way to passively communicate with your customers because you have information readily available 24/7. In a digital marketing world, a good online presence allows for a sustainable form of business workflow.


2. It provides easy accessibility to customers.

Having information readily available to your customers on your website is an avenue for you to secure new customers anytime and anywhere. This means that even when you’re offline, your business has the potential to continuously make the profit that a brick-and-mortar store can’t do for you. Its advantage lies in the opportunity for your customers to browse your products and services from the comfort of their own homes. So, your business keeps going throughout the day.


3. It can expand your visibility and open your business to market expansion.

Through effective SEO strategies, your website can have maximum visibility not only for local customers but even globally. Websites can be accessed from anywhere in the world so geography won’t be a barrier when it comes to market expansion. With a strong search engine ranking, it’s highly possible for your startup to grow a wide customer base globally and open plenty of potential for huge profits.

  1. 85 Percent of Consumers Conduct Online Research Before Making a Purchase Online.” Transaction. 2019.

It can help you track your consumer insights and increase conversions.

One of the best things about digital marketing is the fact that you can track potentially everything. Tools like Analytics can provide valuable insight like who your customers are, how they found your website, and what they like which can help you adapt your business strategies to maximize conversions on your website. Reports like these are invaluable in studying your market and competition, understanding how your brand is affected by social media channels, identifying areas for optimization, and determining the best action plans to make your website highly competitive.


5. It can help you save more than a brick-and-mortar store. 

Because startups are on a budget, a website is the perfect medium for seizing huge profit opportunities without the large operating costs that come with putting up an actual bring-and-mortar store. All you really need is the funds for web development and maintenance, and that’s pretty much it. As you eliminate the overheads that come with rental and utilities, you can save more and even lower your prices to gain a competitive edge in the market.



Your website is a critical element in your digital marketing efforts, that’s why how you build it matters. For optimal results, it needs strong SEO techniques, a user-friendly interface, content marketing strategies, and in some cases even supplementing app development for maximum profitability. This is where partnering with a reliable website development company can make a difference. 

J Tech World is a premier web developer that aims to help startups in Dubai, and everywhere in the world, gain an innovative edge in the digital world. Contact us now and let’s help you get started.

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